Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Selling is Leading
by: Blair Singer

Blair Singer is the one of the authors of the Rich Dad Advisors Series of books, "SalesDogs".

Blair is considered one of the best facilitators of personal and organizational behavior change in business today. Since 1982, he has worked with tens of thousands of individuals and organizations ranging from Fortune 500 organizations to 25 person organizations to assist them in achieving extraordinary levels of performance, productivity and profitability.

Years ago my grandfather told me, "Blair, if you want to be rich, learn how to sell and communicate. If you can do that you can turn on cash anytime, anyplace and in any economy." His words have served me ever since. It isespecially true today in an economy that is trending downwards. Anyone can sell when cash is flowing freely, but can you get your point across when times are tougher? Now is the best time of all to gather huge chunks of market share and influence if you know how to sell.

The greatest leaders of all time could lead because they were great salespeople. Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Ghandi, Thatcher, Iaccoca.......They had a passion for a vision and for a better way of doing things. This is true of business owners and entrepreneurs as well. Not only do you have to sell your vision to your vendors, but to your staff, team-mates and customers....And probably the toughest sales job is sellingyourself on your vision each and every day as you face the obstacles that jump in your path.

I wrote the book, "SalesDogs", because now, more than ever, selling is leading. Sales is the best training there is for generating income anytime in any market. Sales also offers the best life lessons to get what you want physically, financially and emotionally.

Good Hunting!

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