Sunday, December 18, 2005

by : Febby Rudiana

• Have you ever wondered about what kind of business is suitable for you?
• Will you be able to run the business well?
• Are you talented enough to run a business?
• What kind of home business you prefer?

If you have one from the above questions, so here is the answer…

Nobody can tell you about it ! The answer is inside you. Each person is unique. You have your own talent and characters. Business opportunity is always around you. There’s always a business opportunity even more. Perhaps you can’t see it because you don’t know there is. You don’t have knowledge about it. So, it seems difficult for you to find your business opportunity. Your choices become so narrow.

Imagine if you have knowledge of many business opportunities, it will be easy for you to choose the suitable one. So, the key point here is KNOWLEDGE. It will be better if you increasing your business knowledge, searching all business opportunity. There are a lot of ways. You can start by reading books, business magazine, newspaper, internet, following your friend business, attending seminar, even dreaming your ideal business, and many more.

What you should be concern using your money for business is do not put all your money into the business.
Save first for yourself extra cash, at least 3-6 months of your family routine expenses. This just for protection in case your family looses their income. Thereby, the extra cash can fulfill your family expenses until you’ll get your income again.

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